As we all know Arlo security camera is the impressive security
method along with several smart features. If you are the user of this wire-free
( Arlo Pro, Arlo Pro 2) camera. And you find your camera is offline. Then you
should read this blog to fix the Arlo Camera Offline issues.
With excellent HD video quality, instant alarms,
two-way sound live streaming, free cloud recording, and other clever
highlights, Arlo spectacular surveillance offers you the opportunity to take
care of inside and out from every point, day and night. And it is recommended
to take help via Arlo Pro Support Phone Number.
Follow the troubleshooting step while your
security camera is on & off or disconnected after changing another router.
1. On the offline spot, you are using an Arlo Base
Station, then press the sync button at the base station and discharge.
2. First of all open and close your camera battery
entry door and notice the camera LED behavior when the gateway is off.
3. When the LED shows no light, then check to ensure
that batteries are properly installed. Check to ensure that the battery is not
completely dead.
4. While LED flickers quickly blue. That time your
camera has synchronized to the base station.
5. If the LED light shows again blue light, then sync
your camera to the base station.
6. If the LED flickers in golden color, supplant the
camera batteries.
Know the way to check the camera connectivity
1. Between the camera and the base station note the
separation. And you are allowed to fix your security camera most extreme of 300
feet from the base station. While the on and off your camera is very far from
the base station it can interface and disengage as a result of isolation from
the base station.
2. You should also note the number of separators
between the camera and the base station. If the camera is between the thick
dividers, the roof cameras, and the base station, your camera may be
3. While you have access points or other WiFi gadgets
nearby base station. Suppose this is the case, so that time you may have to
face the WiFi cloak in your spare framework.
It is hoped that the information mentioned above will
be enough for you. However, you need more information. Then get relevant
information from security officials through Arlo
Support Number. Here you will find all the
essential information.