How You Can Configure & Sync Arlo Pro 2 From Arlo Base Station

While you are going to sync Arlo Pro 2 camera from the base station, but you are unable to do. Because of lack of knowledge. Make a call on Arlo Camera Customer Support Phone Number the advisers are always ready to help. They will offer you the relevant information about this security camera. And you will have to follow all instructions for setting up Arlo wire-free camera with the Arlo base station & Arlo Pro base station. You will have to follow all the instructions carefully.
Arlo Camera Customer Support Phone Number

If you have synced Arlo wire-free camera with the base station, that your wire-free camera can access an Arlo pro base station features; the USB local backup storage and siren option.

Set up & sync your Arlo Pro 2 wire-free camera in a few relevant steps:

        By sliding & holding the latch, unlock the battery compartment.
        Carefully slide the battery door back, then after lifting it for opening the compartment. And insert the batteries. Now bring your security camera one to three feet from the base station.
        Sync Arlo Pro 2 to the base station:
1.       First, you will have to press the sync button for two to three second then after release the button.
2.       In case you press the Arlo wire-free sync button for too long time and the USB LED is blinking amber that time the sync process would be blocked.
3.       While you use an Arlo Pro base station, then you should press the button on the top of the base station approx till two seconds.

Get further steps information from the specialist of this camera. They are 24*7 ready to help with the relevant manner. They will let you know about the Arlo camera security, how you can stay tension free.

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